The Pathetic Tale of the Girl Who Became a Vampire by Andrew J. Stone

Dec 02 2011

When the girl who became a vampire discovered her transformation, she did not become evil. Nor did she use her transformation for any undead purpose. She’d lament up and down the coiling halls of Dracula’s dungeon, waiting for night to fall. She’d stab herself with self-control and fill herself with vegan. Then, armed with dysphoria, she’d dive into vespertine shadows and neglect the passing silhouettes. When she saw three young men breathing heavily in an alley, she turned off temptation and walked the other way. They might have seen a ghost swimming through twilight, panting like a lightless star.

Later, the girl who became a vampire was eaten by the werewolf.

Andrew J. Stone sleeps with one eye open. This is a lie. Recent work has appeared at Danse Macabre, The Camel Saloon Gallery, and Short, Fast, and Deadly, among other places. An ekphrastic chap is also in the works. He’ll transmute you at:

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